
Here are some


Two Tees at the Nio House

Participating at the Art Central Rotterdam exhibition with two paintings. 11-16 September 2023.

For more paintings...


An interactive video installation.


Dealing with transitions in time and locality. Taking place in Belgrade as two fictional cities. Here with Novi Beograd views as installed at the Schouwburg Theater. Read more...

V2_Lab Rotterdam 7-9 Oct.2021 

Theater-Rotterdam Schouwburg 1-13 April 2022

An installation and exhibition with a presentation event,at Parobrod, Belgrade, Serbia, July 31st to August 13 2024, go to website...

Realized with the major support of the Dutch Creative Industries fund.


Coming up soon in Serbia, as verion #3. Started as an experimental dance film initiated by SpOp as a collaboration in times of Covid. The idea has been communicated with drawings, pictures, text and music pieces by Dirk Bruinsma. Dealing with connectivity, entanglement and barriers.
The material was sent from Rotterdam to Belgrade. Once in Belgrade video material was shot with the choreographies and improvisation by the talented Ana Obradović, Jovana Grujić and Nemanja Bošković. The camera work by Jovana Milovanović and Marko Segedinčev has been then again sent back to Rotterdam and has undergone to undergo a CGI and editing treatment, resulting in the final Knots.

The project is now ongoing and enriched as a live audiovisual performance with musician Dirk Bruinsma.

22/11/22 performed in WORM, Rotterdam

on February 23/23 at Splendor, Amsterdam (with Monoták)

March 25/23 at a Sunny Side Up evening, Kunst&Complex R'dam

May 25/23 screeing at Kino Klub, Split, Croatia

08/08/24 Parobrod, Belgrade, Serbia
11/08/24 Nišville theater festival, Niš, Serbia

---> both with dancers Ana Obradović and Gregorio Dragoni


A very new live performance percussion thing with video loops (on my part) mixing the played upon materials and abstractions. Bruinsma and Christian Smith banging thoughtfully on found and combined mostly metalic objects.

During Tracking Tilburg festival, 19 November 15:00

Culture Prize South-Holland

Prins Bernhard Cultural Foundation


Delighted to have been chosen for the culture prize which is being awarded every two years. The category media art and digital culture is featured in this round. The jury was especially impressed- they wrote- by Knots and Alterations: the way such topics as connectivity and the impact of digital communication are represented.

The event took place April 1st 2022, at the Rotterdam Theater Schouwburg.

Works on White / with Badgewearer

Video films & performances

Works on White present quotes and comments, landscapes and textures, beats and linearities, all dealing with the notion of White. White in relation to identity and as an abstraction.

08-09/02/19 Kunst&Complex, Rotterdam, NL

10/02/19 Extrapool, Nijmegen, NL

18/04/19 Guild Cinema, Albuquerque, USA with Tiny Americans

20/04/19 Center for Peace , "       "         "

24/04/19 Jhonny's warehouse, Tucson,  "         "

22/05/19 screening of Works on White #2, Off-Screen, Rotterdam

19/06/19 WORM, Rotterdam, NL

21/09/19 Magacin, Belgrade, RS

24/09/19 DorcolPlatz, Belgrade, RS

28/09/19 LaboNovo, Reillanne, FR

10/11/19 Le Mini Who, with WORM, Utrecht, NL

07/03/20 Ursula Walter gallery, Dresden, DE

29/03/20 Ann Arbor film festival, Michigan, USA

23/12/20-10/01/21 Hilton Art Lab,three channel inst., Rotterdam

More information... click...


Following the process of milk turning into powder and expanding into the market. Observing our relation to nature, to commerce, and to ideologies.

A spatial video installation with thirtyfour video components, guided by a documentary line. Starting in Vevey, Switzerland, continuing to Uvdal, Norway and back to the Netherlands, especially Friesland and the Hollandia road.

11-18 Nov. open for visitors during a try-out at the Goethe institute, Rotterdam.

An exhibition is planned for December 2024 at MU, Eindhoven with the co-production of TENT, Rotterdam.

The project is adjoined by a publication, more information soon.

Made possible by the Mondriaan fund

and the kind support of the Dutch Culture fund and the Rotterdam municipilaty.

Click for the Milk-project website...

Catch on a Datcha and Paintings at HaL

Opening September 6, a new group exhibition at het Archief on the Robert Fruinstraat 52, Rotterdam.

I will show this melancholic surrealist video of 17min next to a an installation of paintings.

Participating in this film: Michelle Wilderom, Gülümcan Tezcan and Joost Bult; Actor's camera: Era Vati; Sound design: Vincent Denieul; Voice over: Fania Sorel.


Innitiated as part of a 'broken telephone' project by Monoták, an Amsterdam composer's collective. Now in the chain between music pieces by Bruinsma and Thomas Myrmel. I gave it the title above with the intention of expanding it onto more SpOp&Bruinsma projects... Thanks to the CBK Rotterdam for the kind support!

The Broken Telephone event took place April 19 at Splendor, Amsterdam

at H(a)L

An art-relay exhibition, an innitiative of artist Herman Lamers. I have praticipated with paintings, drawings and videos.10/2/23-5/3/23 alongside a.o.: Jan van der Pavert, Leopold/Emmen, Irene van de Mheen and Maria Ikonompoulou.

For more paintings...

Pale Drops # series

Short films and live version in collaboration with musician Dirk Bruinsma. The first PD version was made in 2016 based on the virtues propagated by the then to become first lady.This version titled PD#2 has been extended.

2021 Bionica filmfestival, Barcelona.

2022 New-Media Triennial - Ulus, Belgrade.

2023 screening at Kino Klub, Split, Croatia

2023 PD#3 exhibited at H(a)L, Rotterdam

PD #2 and #3 have been part of the prize event at Theater Rotterdam 2022 featuring also cellist Nina Hitz. Nr #3 follows the term 'televised':the way we receive images of destruction and rubble through sterile and shiny TV studios and applications.

#Time Machine

A series of digital designs for the publication 'Recipes for the Future' by Onomatopee and the Dutch embassy in Berlin.

Broom Groom

A video installation with music by Marc Verhoeven. Empathy, connectivity and human relation in times of digital communications are being addressed. A three channel projection onto transparent gauze makes the images appear as hollograms. With references to iconic art works and literature, a fragmentation of possible linearity.


Gallery Ursula Walter, Dresden 2020, DE

The Science Gallery, Erasmus MC,2020, Rotterdam

Videos and drawings

Solo exhibition at Ursula Walter Gallery,Dresden,DE. Including the installation Broom Groom on transparent screens.

07/03-30/05 2020